Databeheer logistieke dienstverlener

Our customer is a leading logistics service provider offering global transport and logistics solutions for companies. We have been assisting them for years in various logistical data processing activities. Because they were coming up against challenges in their data management, we are helping them improve and optimize their ERP system.

Our approach to a data management project

The customer works with an advanced ERP system for managing their logistical activities but they did not have enough accurate data and that was impacting their operational efficiency. Because of a lack of time and staff shortages, they decided to use our remote team for the update to their ERP system.

One of the tasks was checking and updating all the proofs of inspection for their logistics fleet. In addition, we carried out checks of the road licence paperwork for both the trucks and the trailers. All these activities were carried out according to work instructions that we drew up together.

DataMondial’s remote team made sure that the data consistency improved several notches.

Do you need help with data management and data optimization too?

If you’d like to know what we could do for your company, please contact us to make an appointment. Take a look at our data management and optimization page for more information too.